How the lungs are adapted for gas exchange

  • Created by: emily_w
  • Created on: 18-11-14 12:33
What is the diameter of an alviolus?
1 of 9
How do the alvioli increase the exchange surface of the lungs?
They are numerous and folded
2 of 9
What does squamous mean?
3 of 9
How thick are the walls of the capillaries and alvioli?
One cell each
4 of 9
How far do gases have to diffuse to be exchanged in the lung?
5 of 9
How do squamous cells aid the lungs in gas exchange?
They decrease the distance the gases have to diffuse across.
6 of 9
Why does a large surface area increase the efficiency of the lungs?
More gas can be exchanged at the same time
7 of 9
Why must the lungs maintain the diffusion gradient?
If the gradient is not maintained, diffusion will stop because the gases have reached equilibrium
8 of 9
How does the transport system maintain the diffusion gradient?
Oxygenated blood cells are removed via the capillaries
9 of 9

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Card 2


How do the alvioli increase the exchange surface of the lungs?


They are numerous and folded

Card 3


What does squamous mean?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How thick are the walls of the capillaries and alvioli?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How far do gases have to diffuse to be exchanged in the lung?


Preview of the front of card 5
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