How children learn language

What is the 'vocabulary spurt'?
When a child starts to learn 1 or two words a day.
1 of 12
What is segmentation ?
breaking down words into individual words
2 of 12
Name the two learning styles.
Analytic and gestalt
3 of 12
Explain the Analytic style
The analytic style focuses on breaking speech into its smallest component parts from the very beginning, the children that use this style produce short, clearly articulated and one word utterances.
4 of 12
Explain the gestalt approach
The Gestalt approach is when children memorise and produce large chunks of speech that correspond to entire sentences.
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What is the spotlight strategy
It doesn’t just focus on stressed syllables, it also focuses on stress patterns
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Theorists : Ann Peters and Svend Stromqvist
They both suggested that stress is a ‘spotlight’ it draws the child’s attention to specific syllables making it easier for the child to pick out.
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Theorist : Peter Jusczyk
His theory suggested that children latch onto the strong – weak pattern at an early age.
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Matching strategy definition
When an utterance contains a part that matches something you already know, the matching part is a word and what’s left over is too
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What is Learning inflection
it is used to carry bits of information, two examples involve number and tense
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U shaped learning
It is the typical pattern by which select physical, artistic, and cognitive skills are developed.
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Berko's wug test
This tested children on their inflection skills and showing their ability to make virtuous errors, this test also proves Chomsky’s theory that children have an innate ability to learn language.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is segmentation ?


breaking down words into individual words

Card 3


Name the two learning styles.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Explain the Analytic style


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Explain the gestalt approach


Preview of the front of card 5
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