
Waste products that have to be removed from the body include (where do they come from and how are they removed?)
Carbon dioxide produced by respiration and removed via lungs when we breathe out, urea produced in the liver by the break down of amino acids and removed by the kidneys in urine which is temporarily stored in the bladder
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If water/ion content in body is wrong
too much water may move into or out of cells and damage them
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Water and ions enter the body when
we eat and drink
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How a healthy kidney produces urine
Filters blood (water and small molecules squeezed out of blood into tubules), all sugar and needed ions reabsorbed into blood by active transport, as much water as body needs reabsorbed, urea, excess ions and water released as urine
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Treatments for kidney failure
kidney dialysis machine or kidney transplant
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How a dialysis machine works
Persons's blood flows between partially permeable membranes. Fluid contains same concentration of useful substances as the blood so glucose and useful mineral ions are not lost. Urea and excess substances pass out from blood into dialysis fluid.
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Issues with donor kidney
may be rejected by immune system unless precautions are taken. Antogens (proteins on surface of cells) on organ may be attacked by antibodies as they don't recognise them as part of recipitent's body,
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To prevent rejection
a donor kidney with similar tissue type to recipient is used. Recipient treated with immune suppressant drugs.
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Sweating, why do we need more water when it's hot?
Helps cool the body. More water is lost when it's hot so more water has to be taken in as drink or food to balance the loss.
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How body temperature is controlled and monitered
By the thermoregulatory centre in the brain. The centre has receptors sensitive to the temperature of blood flowing through brain. There are also temperature receptors in the skin, send impulses to the thermoregulatory centre, giving skin temp info
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If core body temperature is too high
Blood vessels supplying skin capilleries dilate so more blood flows through capilleries and more heat is lost. Sweat glands release more sweat which cools body as it evaporates
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If core body temperature is too low
Blood vessels supplying skin capilleries constrict to reduce blood flow through capilleries so less heat is lost. Muscles may shiver. Contraction needs respiration which releases energy to warm the body
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Blood glucose concentration monitered and controlled by
the pancreas. Pancreas produces the hormone insulin which allows glucose to move from the blood into the cells. Also causes excess glucose to be converted to glycogen (energy store) by the liver
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Glucagon (hormone) is produced in the pancreas when blood glucose levels fall. Causes glycogen to be converted into glucose and be released into the blood
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Type 1 diabetes
A disease where a person's blood sugar may rise to a high level because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin.
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How to conrol type 1 diabetes
Careful attention to diet, exercise, injecting insulin
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


If water/ion content in body is wrong


too much water may move into or out of cells and damage them

Card 3


Water and ions enter the body when


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How a healthy kidney produces urine


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Treatments for kidney failure


Preview of the front of card 5
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