History-votes for women

What year did women get the vote?
in 1918 women over 30 were given the same political rights as men.
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When was the suffragettes formed and who led them?
the Suffragettes - was formed in 1903 and led by Emmeline Pankhurst.
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When was the suffragists formed and who led them?
the Suffragists - was formed in 1897 and led by Millicent Fawcett
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Why did people think women shouldn't get the vote?
Women do not fight in wars,Many women do not want the vote, and would not use it if they got it,If women are given the vote, it will not be the gentle intelligent women who will stand for Parliament, but the violent Suffragettes
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Why did people think women should get the vote?
Women are equal before God,Women already have the vote in local elections,Women pay taxes
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What is the difference between the suffragists and the suffragettes?
Both fought for women's rights but the suffragists were the peaceful one's and the suffragettes were the ones who did it through violence.
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Card 2


the Suffragettes - was formed in 1903 and led by Emmeline Pankhurst.


When was the suffragettes formed and who led them?

Card 3


the Suffragists - was formed in 1897 and led by Millicent Fawcett


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Card 4


Women do not fight in wars,Many women do not want the vote, and would not use it if they got it,If women are given the vote, it will not be the gentle intelligent women who will stand for Parliament, but the violent Suffragettes


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Card 5


Women are equal before God,Women already have the vote in local elections,Women pay taxes


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