History - The Beveridge Report

Some questions about the results published from the national survey - the Beveridge Report -  that acknowledged issues with the country, and the proposals and plans that followed.

Good luck :D


1. Which of these was NOT one of the plans for improvement published in the Beveridge report?

  • Benefits
  • Flower arrangements
  • Free healthcare
  • Family allowances
  • National insurance
1 of 7

Other questions in this quiz

2. There was a lot of public support for the plans.

  • True
  • False

3. What was NOT one of the problems identified with the country?

  • Affluence
  • Want
  • Idleness
  • Disease
  • Ignorance

4. In the 1945 Family Allowances act, how much could a family receive per week per child?

  • 7 shillings
  • 9 shillings
  • 5 shillings
  • 3 shillings

5. What did the 1948 Children's act achieve?

  • Provided services to educate children
  • Provided services to protect children
  • Provided services to feed children


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