History Paper 1 - USA

Who did not benefit from the boom?
Farmers - Europe imported less food from USA. Coal - strike, low wages. Textiles - cotton loses trade to nylon. Unemployed - no new jobs.
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Intolerance to immigrants. Treated? Response? Outcome?
Treated badly because people fear communism, poorly paid, So they went on strike and planted bombs. Then deported from America.
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Intolerance to African-Americans. Treated? Response? Outcome?
Seen as lower class, bad jobs, no votes/education, KKK. They moved to cities, got jobs. They still didn't work well, ghettos made.
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Intolerance to Native Americans. Treated? Response? Outcome?
12000 serve in WW1, poverty, worse health, poor education, discrimination. They were granted US citizenship, allowed to vote. Sent kids to boarding schools, try to destroy beliefs.
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The Monkey Trials
William Jennings Bryan passed law banning teaching of evolution. Biology teacher broke law so he could explain evolution in court, evolution won.
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What was the Wall Street Crash?
1 - companies require moneys sell shares. 2 - share holders get a return from selling when price rises. 3 - stocks bought and sold on Wall Street NYC.
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What were the causes of the Wall Street Crash?
Companies begin losing money, confidence drops, overproduction, tariff policy, traditional industry struggles, speculation.
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What were the consequences of the Wall Street Crash?
Bank runs - people withdraw savings, banks close, people don't trust banks. World economy - American banks recall loans (ruins German economy). Confidence falls further. Hoover refuses to step in, Great Depression.
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'Great Depression'
25% unemployment rate, lack of food, "Hooverville's",
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"The Dust Bowl"
Mid-west wind blows top layer of soil from ground. Crops turn to dust, homes buried, fields blown away, farms closed.
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Shantytowns, shacks/tents, hated Hoover hence the name.
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The Roaring Twenties
Flappers, jazz, freedom for women, car, sport, talkies.
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Red Scare
America feared communism.
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Sacco and Venzetti
2 Italians wrongly arrested for murder without proof and were executed.
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Alphabet Agencies - EBA.
Emergency Banking Act - come up with rules to prevent speculation.
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Alphabet Agencies - SEC.
Securities Exchange Commission - used government regulation to control share dealing. Stopped people 'buying on the margin' (borrowing money to buy shares)
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Alphabet Agencies - FERA.
Federal Emergency Relief Administration - urgent needs for the poor. 500 million US dollars spent. Soup kitchens, blankets, employment schemes, nurseries.
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Alphabet Agencies - CCC.
Civilian Conservation Corps - helped unemployed young men. Could sign on for 6 months. Money earned went back to mens families, 2.5 million men helped.
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Alphabet Agencies - AAA.
Agricultural Adjustment Administration - helped farmers to modernise and use methods to protect soil.
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Second New Deal - Wagner Act
Helped workers. Trade unions, better pay, better conditions.
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Second New Deal - SSA
Social Security Act - state pensions, state and federal government work together to help sick and disabled unemployment insurance.
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Second New Deal - WPA
Works Progress Administration - bought all organisations together to provide jobs.
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Second New Deal - RA
Resettlement Administration - helped small holders and farmers missed by the AAA, moved families to better land.
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Second New Deal - FSA
Farm Security Administration - replaced RA in 1937, loans to farmers to buy land, built camps for decent living, work for migrant workers
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Huey Long
Opposed the New Deal (left wing). Wanted to limit fortunes to 3 million, income limited to 1 million, pensions for over 60s, see washing machines.
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Francis Townsend
Opposed the New Deal (left wing). 200 US dollar a month income for all.
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Father Coughlin
Opposed the New Deal (left wing). National union of social justice.
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Why did Roosevelt win the 1932 election?
Experiences of ordinary people (very bad - wanted change). Policies of the Republicans. Actions taken by the Republicans. Roosevelt's election campaign (very good).
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Treated badly because people fear communism, poorly paid, So they went on strike and planted bombs. Then deported from America.


Intolerance to immigrants. Treated? Response? Outcome?

Card 3


Seen as lower class, bad jobs, no votes/education, KKK. They moved to cities, got jobs. They still didn't work well, ghettos made.


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Card 4


12000 serve in WW1, poverty, worse health, poor education, discrimination. They were granted US citizenship, allowed to vote. Sent kids to boarding schools, try to destroy beliefs.


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Card 5


William Jennings Bryan passed law banning teaching of evolution. Biology teacher broke law so he could explain evolution in court, evolution won.


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