History: Hitler and Germany

What does Anti-Semitic mean?
Hostility, prejudice and discrimination against Jews
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Who was in charge of the ministry of People's Enlightenment?
Joseph Goebbels
2 of 13
When was the social democratic party banned?
June 1933
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All workers were enrolled in a new program, what was it?
German Labour Front
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What did the Ministry for Eccleslastical Affairs limit the influence off?
Schools and churches
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How did Hitler gain the ability of passing any law he pleased?
By dissolving the Reichstrat
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Did Germany exploit the resources of both territories? East or West or both?
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Did Germany cleanse the population of western Europe or eastern Europe or both?
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What was the Gestapo?
Nazi's secret state police, kept everyone in line
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What was the Gleichschaltung?
The coordination of all activities by the State, it affected every aspect of German life
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Who were the storm troopers?
Hitler's army. Helped carry Fuhrer to victory. 20x larger then the army
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What is an Autarky?
Only dependent on German industry. Self sufficient.
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What did the Gestapo do?
Tracking down people who distributed anti-Nazi leaflets, held secret meetings, committed acts of sabotage e.x
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Card 2


Who was in charge of the ministry of People's Enlightenment?


Joseph Goebbels

Card 3


When was the social democratic party banned?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


All workers were enrolled in a new program, what was it?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did the Ministry for Eccleslastical Affairs limit the influence off?


Preview of the front of card 5
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