History-chapter 1 Russia

When did the Romanov Dynasty start?
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Who is a reformist?
a supporter of gradual reform: e.g: Alexander II
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Who is a reactionary?
Backward looking and opposed to change. Also an arch-conservative- averse to innovation and upholding traditional values.
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When did Nicholas II come to the throne?
1894, at age 26
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Who was his grandfather?
Alexander II, who was blown up by a revolutionary bomb when he was 12.
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Who was his father?
Alexander III, who was a reactionary. Nicholas was greatly influenced by him.
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Other influences?
His tutor, the arch conservative Konstantin Pobedonostev instilled morals of autocracy.
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Japan defeat?
the embarassing defeat against Japan in 1904-1905 led to strikes.
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What did the strikes cause?
A revolution
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What was bloody sunday
on Sunday the 22nd of January 1905, protestors were leading a peaceful protest when the Tsar ordered army to shoot them.
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State Duma
He was forced to create state duma in 1905, however, he restricted its power as much as possible.
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Why did the february revolution happen in 1917?
nicholas' handling of WW1, his shy, stubborn personality, lack of food, inflation
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Who was Mikhail Rodzianko?
wealthy landowner who joined the Octobrist party. Elected chairman of 4th duma, supported russias entre to ww1. Head of Duma's provisional committe which set up provisional govt. in 1917.
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Who was Aleksandr Kerensky?
lawyer who became involved in radical politics. 1905 served time for publishing socialist newspaper. 1912, elected to duma, feb. 1917, joined social revolutionaries.Became SR rep. in Petrograd Soviet.
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Tsar Nicholas II personality
Shy, found politics boring, indecisive, stubborn, couldnt handle criticism or advice, flt the need to preserve his own authority.
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the Tsarina
Alexandraa, german woman who was the Tsar's wife, whilst Tsar was at front line, she was having affair and being influenced by Rasputin.
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Tsarina's advice
'stand firm' which in 1905, failed miserably.
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Who was Rasputin?
A monk who had a lot of influence on the Tsar and Tsarina. He was known for womanising and drunkeness.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Who is a reformist?


a supporter of gradual reform: e.g: Alexander II

Card 3


Who is a reactionary?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


When did Nicholas II come to the throne?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who was his grandfather?


Preview of the front of card 5
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