higher human 2.3

male fertility is described as being ....?
1 of 16
female fertility is?
2 of 16
Name two indicators of female fertility.
Increased temperature and change in cervical mucus viscosity
3 of 16
State two ways a failure in ovulation can be treated.
Drugs that mimic FSH and LH AND drugs that prevent negative feedback of oestrogen during the luteal phase.
4 of 16
What is the introduction of semen into the female by means other than sexual intercourse called?
artificial insemination
5 of 16
When is artificial insemination used?
When a man has a low sperm count.
6 of 16
If the oviducts are blocked how do doctors treat infertility?
7 of 16
What is ICSI
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
8 of 16
The oral contraceptive pill contains synthetic versions of which hormones?
oestrogen and progesterone
9 of 16
Ovulation drugs for fertility can cause?
super ovulation
10 of 16
what is PGD?
pre-implantation genetic diagnosis
11 of 16
what is PGD used for?
to identify single gene disorders and chromosomal abnormalities
12 of 16
In IVF the cells are cultured until there are at least how many cells?
13 of 16
how does the combined pill work?
mimics negative feedback preventing the release of FSH and LH from
the pituitary gland.
14 of 16
How does the progesterone only (mini pill) prevent pregnancy?
It causes thickening of the cervical mucus.
15 of 16
How does the emergency (morning after) pill stop pregnancy?
It prevents or delay ovulation
16 of 16

Other cards in this set

Card 2


female fertility is?



Card 3


Name two indicators of female fertility.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


State two ways a failure in ovulation can be treated.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the introduction of semen into the female by means other than sexual intercourse called?


Preview of the front of card 5
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