Heating and insulating buildings

  • Created by: Millie
  • Created on: 08-05-13 18:35
What is a U-Value?
It shows how fast heat can transfer through a material- heat transfers faster through materials with higher U-Values
1 of 5
Name 5 types of effective methods of insulation in the home
1. Cavity Wall insulation- conduction 2. Loft insulation- reduces conduction & radiation 3. Draught proofing- convection currents 4. Hot Water tank jacket- reduces conduction & radiation 5. Thick curtain's conduction & radiation
2 of 5
What is the formula for specific heat capacity?
E= m x c x 0
3 of 5
What is the unit you would use for the result after using the specific heat capacity formula?
J/ Kg c
4 of 5
How do you work out pay-back time?
Initial cost
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name 5 types of effective methods of insulation in the home


1. Cavity Wall insulation- conduction 2. Loft insulation- reduces conduction & radiation 3. Draught proofing- convection currents 4. Hot Water tank jacket- reduces conduction & radiation 5. Thick curtain's conduction & radiation

Card 3


What is the formula for specific heat capacity?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the unit you would use for the result after using the specific heat capacity formula?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How do you work out pay-back time?


Preview of the front of card 5


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