Health and social unit 1 key words.

  • Created by: lauren119
  • Created on: 06-02-19 10:14
An increase in some measued quantity such as height or weight.
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complex changes including an increase in skills, abilities and capabilities.
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Centile lines (percentiles)
Lines on a grapgh used to show average measurements of height, weight and head circumference. The lines represent the values of the measurements taking into account age and sex.
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Developmental norms
An description of an average set of expectations with respect to a young childs development. For example by the age of 12 months a child has the ability to stand alone.
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An ability achieved by most children by a certain age. It can involve physical, social, emotional, cognitive and communication skills. For example walking, sharing with others, expressing emotions, recognising familiar sounds and talking.
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Gross motor skills
Large movements that involve using the large muscles of the body which are required for mobility, for example rolling over.
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Card 2


complex changes including an increase in skills, abilities and capabilities.



Card 3


Lines on a grapgh used to show average measurements of height, weight and head circumference. The lines represent the values of the measurements taking into account age and sex.


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Card 4


An description of an average set of expectations with respect to a young childs development. For example by the age of 12 months a child has the ability to stand alone.


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Card 5


An ability achieved by most children by a certain age. It can involve physical, social, emotional, cognitive and communication skills. For example walking, sharing with others, expressing emotions, recognising familiar sounds and talking.


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