Health and Social Care Unit 4 - Control and Regulatory Systems - Brain

What does the sensory neuron do?
Carry messages to sensory organs, such as pain
1 of 12
What do motor neurons do?
Carry messages from central nervous system to the tissues, muscles
2 of 12
Involuntary System - What is the Sympathetic system?
This system prepares the body for action
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What are the Cerebral Hemispheres?
These are the two main parts of the brain
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What are the Frontal Lobes?
Carries out many functions - emotions, decision making, speech, language and memory
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What is the Hypothalamus?
Detects changes in blood chemistry, temperature, regulates apatite and sexual hormones
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What is the Cerebellum Cortex?
This is an area that is mapped with precise functions for various areas
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What is the Medulla?
Most basic part of the brain - controls swallowing, breathing and heart rhythm
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What is the Meninges?
The outside layer of the brain, its protected by a triple layer of tough membrane
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Nerve Action - What does the Stimulus do?
Sets off an exchange of chemicals
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What is the Myelin Sheath?
These have special cells called Schwinn cells, these are made up of these and speeds up nerve transmissions
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What is a Synapse?
This is a microscopic gap between neighboring neurons and muscle cells
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What do motor neurons do?


Carry messages from central nervous system to the tissues, muscles

Card 3


Involuntary System - What is the Sympathetic system?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the Cerebral Hemispheres?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the Frontal Lobes?


Preview of the front of card 5
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