health and health care

  • Created by: mpc26
  • Created on: 09-06-18 17:08
1. NHS (2012)
anyone who is deemed to be ordinarily resident in the uk is entitled to free nhs hospital treatment in England
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2. World health organisation (2012)
the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being
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3. Sharkley and Gilliam
the patients with self-inflicted illness should receive lower priority access to health care than individuals whose illness is not self inflicted
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4. Golan
impossible to prove that an individual’s behaviour was directly responsible for their poor health, making it impossible to argue, ethically, that an individual should receive lower priority treatment if they took part in risky behaviour
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5. Blouin et al
introduce trade to low income countries, thus raise their economy- they generally have lower levels of health
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6. Crawford
west states managed to make it an individual problem-fitness tracker, 5 a day, moral approach to health
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7. Jon Ivar elstad
health damaging behaviour such as smoking, unhealthy diets and accident prone behaviour-Wilkinson’s research indicates that life expectancy in affluent countries is associated with income equality rather than with average level of income
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8. Aday 1994
respect acts as a resource for individuals and should be considered a component of the norms of reciprocity, trust and social obligation that are essential for minimising the risks of poor physical, psychological or social health.
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9. Popay et al
structure and especially quality of social relations impacts on health and health inequalities
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10. Seeman 1996
social integration reduces the risk of mortality and leads to better mental health
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11. Bauman
there is a tendency to view health risk individually and to emphasise individual responsibility for reducing health risks
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12. Wright
people who belong to marginalised groups are not valued by capitalist society. They also have worse health risks and experience more ill health
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13. Higgs
while governments take some responsibility through regulatory measures, for contextual risks there is an inequality of exposure and inequality of protest and protection
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14. Bolk et al
poorer populations are more likely to live close to waste incineration plans. They are therefore more at risk of any health hazards from these plants
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15. Cameron and bernardes
women have had more attention: women are generally sicker than men, make more use of health care services and are regarded generally as the custodians of health for their parties and families as well as themselves
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16. Arber and ginn
when older men and women think about their future, health is a dominant concern
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17. Nazroo
although socio-economic disadvantage might contribute to health difference, it is suggested that there remains an essential component to ethnicity that could make a major contribution to differences in health
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18. Karl Marx and Engles
production of health through the formation of a capitalist healthcare industry- health care system as a site for commercial transactions-a marketplace. The professionals are central to capitalism, exploiting all health and assisting the nation state
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19. Wikinson
in the advanced capitalist countries, higher income inequality leads to lowered social cohesision which produces poor health status
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20. Scrambler and higgs
critical age groups, younger men appear the most vulnerable
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Card 2


2. World health organisation (2012)


the highest attainable standard of health is one of the fundamental rights of every human being

Card 3


3. Sharkley and Gilliam


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Card 4


4. Golan


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Card 5


5. Blouin et al


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