Haydn Symphony 104 mvmt 2 AS EDUQAS Music

what is the overall structure of this movement? include bar numbers
Ternary A (1-37) B (38-73) A (74-152)
1 of 35
what is the overall key of this movement?
G Major
2 of 35
how is the key of this movement related to the key of the entire symphony?
G Major is the Dominant of D Major
3 of 35
identify the cadence that occurs at bar 8
Imperfect II7 - V in G Major
4 of 35
identify the cadence that occurs at bar 16
Imperfect II7 - V in G Major
5 of 35
identify the cadence that occurs on beat two of bar 28 and beat one of 29
interrupted V - iv in G Major
6 of 35
identify the harmonic device that occurs between bars 33 and 36
tonic pedal (in cellos and double bass)
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identify the melodic interval in the violin I part that occurs on the last beat of bar 2 and the first beat of bar 3.
Minor 7th (F# - E)
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identify the key change at bar 38
G minor/tonic minor
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identify fully the chord at bar 42
d minor, root position
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identify the melodic interval that occurs in Violin I on the last two notes of bar 42
perfect 12th/compound perfect 5th
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what is the key from bar 48?
Bb major - the relative major of G minor
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what two harmonic devices occurs between Violin I and Violin II at bars 60 to 64?
canon and (ascending) sequence
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identify fully the chord at bar 72
D7, root position (dominant 7th of G Major)
14 of 35
state two differences that occur in bar 74 when compared to bar 1
melody doubled in the flute; alberti bass accompaniment in violin II and bassoon
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identify the chord in bar 115
diminished 7th
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identify the chord at bar 117
F# Major, first inversion.
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identify fully the chord at bar 107
Ab Major, first inversion
18 of 35
Describe three ways that make the reprise of the A section different from the first A section.
addition of flute and french horn; extension of the dotted motif (bars 82-84); introduction of triplets (from bar 96); modulations to distant keys (Db bar 109; F# bar 117); addition of flute cadenza; codetta is extended
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What German phrase describes the contrasting of section B with section A?
Sturm und Drang (storm and stress).
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What does Andante mean? (Bar 1)
At a walking pace.
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What do the terms piu largo and a tempo mean? (Bars 115 and 116)
Piu largo means slower/broader; a tempo means back to the original speed.
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What does rf mean? (bar 99)
rinforzando - a sudden increase of force (until the next dynamic mark)
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What does sf mean (bar 56, Violin I)
sforzando - a sudden increase of force/accent (only applies to one note)
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Identify the chord at bar 6 beat 1
C# half diminished 7, first inversion (E C# G with added B on second quaver of beat 1)
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Describe the harmonic movement between Violin I and Violin II in bar 10.
Parallel thirds.
26 of 35
Name two ways in which bar 20 is different from bar 4.
Violin I is doubled on the Bassoon (an octave below). An extra note (passing note) is added to the end of the bar.
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Describe the bassoon melody in bar 33.
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Describe fully the chord on the last quaver of bar 55.
F7 (dominant 7th in Bb)
29 of 35
Identify the harmonic device used in Violin I in bar 61. (This also occurs in Oboe I in the same bar.)
Suspension (4-1 in chord of F)
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Describe the texture in bars 71-72.
31 of 35
Identify the chord in bar 109.
Db Major
32 of 35
What is the interval between the cello and the double bass in bars 109 to 113? What harmonic device occurs at this point?
Perfect Fifth; Tonic and Dominant pedals/double pedals.
33 of 35
Identify fully the chord at bar 118.
F# minor, first inversion.
34 of 35
Describe three ways in which section B contrasts with section A.
Different Key (G minor/tonic minor in section B); strings omitted/woodwind only at the start of section b; tutti orchestra appears in section B, not section A; fortissimo section appears in B but not A; extended demisemiquaver passages in B but not A
35 of 35

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is the overall key of this movement?


G Major

Card 3


how is the key of this movement related to the key of the entire symphony?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


identify the cadence that occurs at bar 8


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


identify the cadence that occurs at bar 16


Preview of the front of card 5
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