7.1- Haemoglobin

  • Created by: Megan2413
  • Created on: 11-03-17 17:10
Does Haemoglobin have a quaternary structure?
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How many polypeptide chains does Haemoglobin contain?
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What are the types of polypeptide chain a haemoglobin molecule contains?
Alpha and beta
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What type of group does each polypeptide have associated with it?
Haem group
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What do Haemoglobin molecules contain that give blood its colour?
A red pigment
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What is the primary structure?
A sequence of amino acids in the four polypeptide chains
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What is the secondary structure?
Each polypeptide chain is coiled intoan alpha helix
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What is the tertiary structure?
The 3D shape that the polypeptide chain is again folded into
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What is the quaternary structure?
All four polypeptide chains linked together to form an almost spherical molecule
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What ion does each haem group contain?
Fe2+ ion
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What does the Fe2+ ion do?
It associates with an oxygen molecule
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How many oxygen molecules can a single Haemoglobin molecule carry at a time?
Four- one with each haem group
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What is the association of oxygen?
The process by which haemoglobin binds with oxygen
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Where does association of oxygen take place in humans?
In the lungs
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What is the opposite process of association?
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Which terms can also mean association/dissociation?
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Haemoglobin with a high affinity for oxygen takes it up more or less easily?
More easily
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If haemoglobin has a high affinity for oxygen, does it unload it easily or not?
Doesn't unload oxygen easily
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For haemoglobin to be effective it must....
Associate easily with oxygen at exchange surfaces and dissociate easily with oxygen at tissues
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What can haemoglobin do under different conditions and why?
Change its affinity for oxygen due to a change in shape
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When there is a low concentration of CO2, the affinity for oxygen is ?
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When there is a high concentration of CO2, the affinity for oxygen is ?
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The concentration of CO2 is high at the ?
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Why are there different haemoglobin molecules in different species?
They contain a slightly different amino acid sequence, hence different tertiary and quaternary structures affecting the oxygen binding properties
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Card 2


How many polypeptide chains does Haemoglobin contain?



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What are the types of polypeptide chain a haemoglobin molecule contains?


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Card 4


What type of group does each polypeptide have associated with it?


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Card 5


What do Haemoglobin molecules contain that give blood its colour?


Preview of the front of card 5
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