Group Dynamics

What is required behaviour?
Involves what ought to be done by the leader in a certain situation. The leader's behaviour may be dictated by a playing strategy or organisation system
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What is actual behaviour?
Is what the leader chooses to do as the best course of action in the given situation. This is greatly influenced by the competence of the leader
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What is the preferred behaviour?
Concerns what the group of athletes want the leader to do. The leadership style preferred by the group is usually determined by member characteristics
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What is Social facilitation?
Occurs when the presence of an individual/audience enhances performance
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What is social inhibition?
Occurs when arousal inhibits performance due to an audience being present
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What is a passive audience?
Spectators, media, people at home
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What are co-actors?
Involved in activity but not competing directly e.g. umpire
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What are social reinforces?
Those with direct influence e.g. coach
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What is drive theory?
Increase in arousal is proportional to an increase in quality of performance. The dominate response is most likely to occur when arousal increases
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What is Zajons model?
If a skill is poorly learnt then arousal causes an incorrect response, because the incorrect response is dominant, - likely to happen at cognitive stage, If a skill is well learn then arousal cause the correct response - beneficial to experts
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What is Distraction/ conflict Theory?
The added distraction of an audience is yet more competition for limited attentional space of the performer. If it is a simple task the audience is less likely to distract the perfomrer. If it is a complex task then more likely to distract
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What did Barron propose?
Athletes must foucs their attention on the demands of the task in hand and anything which may distract them will hinder their performance
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What is the Home field advantage?
Away teams are disadvantaged when faced by the home crowd . Home teams have large numbers of home supporters, familiar surroundings, lack of travel
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What is evaluation Apprehension?
High arousal levels dueu to the presence of evaluation, However not all performers are affected by the presence of others, perceived evaluation could inhibit performance, while others may become relient on it
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What diod Cortell state?
Others only had an effect on perfomers, if the performers felt that their actions were being evaluated
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What is the Proximity effect?
The arousal level of a performer will increase if the location of the crowd is close to the event
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What did scwartz propose?
The closer the audience the greater the effect on arousal
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is actual behaviour?


Is what the leader chooses to do as the best course of action in the given situation. This is greatly influenced by the competence of the leader

Card 3


What is the preferred behaviour?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Social facilitation?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is social inhibition?


Preview of the front of card 5
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