grant et al evaluation

opportunity sampling used so cost and time effective. range of ages and genders. possible bias towards males.
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cognitive processes are considered a species specific behaviour possibly impacted by western education.
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high levels of control and standardised procedure possible to replicate relatively large sample to establish consistent effects.
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ecological validity
process of learning infro for test would be typical for students. noisy context designed to not seem abnormal. ptts would usually study for more than a few minutes and wouldn't study right before a test.
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high design validity due to high levels of control and standard procedure. indep measures des could have poss effect pn results.
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data collected was quantitative which enables easy summaries and comparisons between the conditions.
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research method
use of controlled lab experiment follows scientific criteria. independent measures limits the design validity due to indv diffs
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participant number?
39- one participant was omitted
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age range for the participants ?
17 to 56 years old
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recall test
ten short answer questions on the subject manner (psychoimmunology)
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recognition test
sixteen multiple choice questions on the subject manner ( psychoimmunology)
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context dependent memory
memory is improved if the environment that the learning takes place in is the same as the environment where the memory is recalled.
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context dependent memory will benefit recall but not recognition task because the recognition items act as such strong retrieval cues that they "outshine" environmental cues.
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aim of the study
to investigate context dependent memory effects on both recall and recognition for meaningful information ( as opposed to just a list of words)
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Card 2




cognitive processes are considered a species specific behaviour possibly impacted by western education.

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ecological validity


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