Grammar Drills!


1. Which part of the following sentence is an INDEPENDENT CLAUSE

"I ain't never even seen a guitar before, although once I did see a violin but it had no strings"

  • but it had no strings
  • I ain't never even seen a guitar before
  • although once I did see a violin
  • I ain't never even seen a guitar before, although once I did see a violin but it had no strings
1 of 9

Other questions in this quiz

2. Which of these is a clause? (independent)

  • I am sad because the lonely squirrel cries
  • lonely squirrel
  • the lonely squirrel cries
  • because the lonely squirrel cries

3. Which of these sentences contains a sub-ordinating conjunction?

  • Alina has been to the gym three days this week!
  • Flowers are lovely and they smell nice.
  • Barry ate his peas because they were delicious.
  • Barry ate his peas and they were delicious.

4. Which of these is a phrase?

  • I am sad because the lonely squirrel cries
  • lonely squirrel
  • because the lonely squirrel cries
  • the lonely squirrel cries

5. Which of these is a clause? (dependent)

  • because the lonely squirrel cries
  • the lonely squirrel cries
  • lonely squirrel
  • I am sad because the lonely squirrel cries


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