Other questions in this quiz

2. What does the term 'Globalisation' mean?

  • The process of establishing part of the business abroad.
  • The integration of regional economies into the national economy.
  • The integration of national economies into the international economy.
  • The integration of local economies into regional economies.

3. Which of the following ISN'T a consequence of Globalisation?

  • Good pay in developing countries.
  • Poor working conditions.
  • Large multinational companies influencing government polices.
  • Pollution.

4. What does the term 'Sovereignty' mean?

  • The ability for a nation to manages it's own affairs.
  • The ability for a nation to manage other nations affairs.
  • The inability for nations to manage their affairs.
  • Another nation managing a nations affairs.

5. Which countries make up the TRIAD blocks?

  • USA, EU and China
  • China, Japan and the UK
  • USA, EU and Japan
  • NAFTA, EU and the BRIC's


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