Geography Paper 1 Contrasting levels of develpment 2010 Quiz

Key information on contrasting levels of development for paper 1 geography 2010

A project that includes sustainable development is the village platform in Mali, but what is an aim of sustainable development?
To improve the quality of life for the locals
1 of 7
What is HDI?
A measure of social welfare taking into account both social and economical factors
2 of 7
Why is HDI better than GNP?
It gives a real GNP per person taking into account what they could actually buy in that country
3 of 7
Why is Brazil a good case study for this topic?
It shows contrasting living standards in different parts of the country
4 of 7
Name one reason as to why a gap exists between LEDC's and MEDC's
Because LEDC's have internation debt
5 of 7
The three gorges dam in an attempt to make China more developed, what is an advantage of the project?
It will create thousands of jobs
6 of 7
What is GNP?
Gross National Product- the value of of all the goods and services produced by a country in a year divided by its population
7 of 7

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is HDI?


A measure of social welfare taking into account both social and economical factors

Card 3


Why is HDI better than GNP?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Why is Brazil a good case study for this topic?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name one reason as to why a gap exists between LEDC's and MEDC's


Preview of the front of card 5
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Good, but question 5 answers question 4

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