Gender Schema Theory

Who came up with gender schema theory?
Martin and Halverson
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The process of aquiring gender-relevant info happens ------ gender constancy is achievedd - basic gender labelling is sufficient to identify as either boy/girl & take an interest in appropriate behaviours.
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The acquisition of stereotypes/schema affects later ---------, especially in terms of memory & attention.
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A ----- is a mental representation of an aspect of the world - it's a cluster of related items that together represent a concept.
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Children learn schemas related to gender from their ------------ with other children & adults, as well as from TV or videos.
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Such gender schemas or stereotypes have the -------- of organising & structuring other info that's presented to children - they learn what toys are appropriate for each gender & what to wear.
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The term ------ refers to the groups with which a person identifies - being a girl means you identify with that group (you're also in many other groups like where you grew up & what band's you like).
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Once a child's identified with a ingorup this leads them to positively evaluate their own group and negatively evaluate the -------- (this motivates them to be like their own group & avoid behaviours of the other (also seek what their ingroup does).
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Gender beliefs lead children to hold very ----- gender attitudes because they ignore any info they encounter that's not consistent with ingroup info (e.g. if a boy sees a male nurse he ignores it as it's not in line with his ingroups schema).
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Who found that children under the age of 4 showed no signs of gender stability let alone signs of constancy, but did display strong gender stereotypes about what boys and girls were permitted to do?
Martin and Little
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Who found that when children were asked to recall pictures of people, children under 6 recalled more of the gender-consistent ones than gender inconsistent ones?
Martin and Halverson
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Who told 4-9 year olds that gender neutral items were either boy or girl items? Participants took a greater interest items labelled as ingroup & 1 week later they were able to recall more details about ingroup objects =gender schema related to memory
Bradbard et al
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Aside from just not remembering inconsistent info, gender schema may also lead children to actually ------- this kind of info.
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Who showed children consistent or inconsistent pictures & found they distorted the info? (e.g. a boy holding a doll was a girl)
Martin and Halverson
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Resilience of children's stereotypes explains why children are frequently highly ------ despite the best efforts of parents (insisting of dolls & toy guns) because they actively seek to acquire gender-appropriate schema.
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Who reports that children whose mothers work have less stereotyped views of what men do, suggesting children aren't entirely fixed in their views but are receptive to some gender inconsistent ideas?
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Who've proposed a way to unify GST & GCT? They represent different processes. CST = organisation of info so should affect cognitive variables (memory). GCT = motivation (want to find out about roles) so should be associated with activity choice.
Stangor and Ruble
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IDA - gender schema leads to misremembering/distorting info which has important implications for efforts to ------ gender stereotypes - even when exposed to counter-stereotypes they don't remember them accurately so this method may not be the best.
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IDA - Freud's theory of ---------- development includes an explanation of gender development (boys attraction to mother makes them want to kill their fathers - feel guilty and so resolves this by identifying his gender with his father.
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Card 2


The process of aquiring gender-relevant info happens ------ gender constancy is achievedd - basic gender labelling is sufficient to identify as either boy/girl & take an interest in appropriate behaviours.



Card 3


The acquisition of stereotypes/schema affects later ---------, especially in terms of memory & attention.


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


A ----- is a mental representation of an aspect of the world - it's a cluster of related items that together represent a concept.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Children learn schemas related to gender from their ------------ with other children & adults, as well as from TV or videos.


Preview of the front of card 5
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