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Card 6


Such gender schemas or stereotypes have the -------- of organising & structuring other info that's presented to children - they learn what toys are appropriate for each gender & what to wear.


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Card 7


The term ------ refers to the groups with which a person identifies - being a girl means you identify with that group (you're also in many other groups like where you grew up & what band's you like).


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Card 8


Once a child's identified with a ingorup this leads them to positively evaluate their own group and negatively evaluate the -------- (this motivates them to be like their own group & avoid behaviours of the other (also seek what their ingroup does).


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Card 9


Gender beliefs lead children to hold very ----- gender attitudes because they ignore any info they encounter that's not consistent with ingroup info (e.g. if a boy sees a male nurse he ignores it as it's not in line with his ingroups schema).


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Card 10


Who found that children under the age of 4 showed no signs of gender stability let alone signs of constancy, but did display strong gender stereotypes about what boys and girls were permitted to do?


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Card 11


Who found that when children were asked to recall pictures of people, children under 6 recalled more of the gender-consistent ones than gender inconsistent ones?


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Card 12


Who told 4-9 year olds that gender neutral items were either boy or girl items? Participants took a greater interest items labelled as ingroup & 1 week later they were able to recall more details about ingroup objects =gender schema related to memory


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Card 13


Aside from just not remembering inconsistent info, gender schema may also lead children to actually ------- this kind of info.


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Card 14


Who showed children consistent or inconsistent pictures & found they distorted the info? (e.g. a boy holding a doll was a girl)


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Card 15


Resilience of children's stereotypes explains why children are frequently highly ------ despite the best efforts of parents (insisting of dolls & toy guns) because they actively seek to acquire gender-appropriate schema.


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