Gender Bias

  • Created by: FatCat3
  • Created on: 04-10-22 13:00
what is gender bias?
the different treatment/representation of males and females based on stereotypes and not on real differences
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give an example of gender bias
Freud- anatomy is destiny- there are physiological diff between M/F, young girls suffer 'penis envy', femininity is a failed form of masculinity
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what is the further difficulty proved by a study?
distinguishing between real gender diff and culturally created diff. Maccoby and Jacklin there is small gender diff; -girls have greater verbal ability, -boys have greater visual/spatial abilities, -boys greater arithmetic ability at adolescence,
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continuing w previous card
--girls are less aggressive than boys
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what is androcentrism? name a research into this area
theories which are centred/focused on males or from a male viewpoint. can be conscious/unconscious. hare-muslin and marecek argued there is 2 types of bias
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what is alpha bias? name research into this area
theories that exaggerate difference between M/F Freud, psychoanalytic theory- as girls don't suffer oedipal conflict, girls identify less with mothers as compared to sons and dads, so they develop weaker superegos
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name another research in this area
evolutionary approach- explains why men are more dominant from development of human species, why women have more parental investment and why men more likely to commit adultery (-argued E.A shouldn't be used as society has changed)
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what is beta bias? name a research into this area
theories that ignore or minimise the differences between M/F, theories often assume the findings from M on F. for example, Kohlberg's moral development based on interviews w boys age 10-16, interviewed 3-4 years over 20 period year. he-
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-identified that boys based morality off of justice. but Gilligan found women tended to focus on rs when making moral decisions
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give another research into beta bias
M/F are used in research but don't attempt to analyse data to see differences between the sexes, ie Rosenthal found male interviewers were more pleasant and friendly with females then males
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give another research into beta bias
some animal research bb, ie carry out fight or flight research on male animals as there's fewer hormone variations in them, but Taylor found tend and befriend response
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give another research into beta bias
majority of conformity studies were only with male participants as they assumed the findings could be applied to females
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name the evaluations
-issues of gender bias go unchallenged ie evolution- Darwin- women selective with mates, only recently dna suggests women equally as competitive as men
-Freud- negative perception of women w theory-
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continuing w previous card
--more harm then good, ie stress assumed same for M/F, administrating drugs that could damage body and system
-forget men also can have gender bias ie only f diagnosed w depression, etc, men forced to 'be a man'
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Card 2


give an example of gender bias


Freud- anatomy is destiny- there are physiological diff between M/F, young girls suffer 'penis envy', femininity is a failed form of masculinity

Card 3


what is the further difficulty proved by a study?


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Card 4


continuing w previous card


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Card 5


what is androcentrism? name a research into this area


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