gcse pe

what are the benefits of physical fitness?
increased strength, muscular endurance, flexibilty, cardiovascular fitness, health, can be alot more sociable with people
1 of 7
muscular fitness is required when activities are?
mainly aerobic, last a long time, required repeated use of the same muscle, muscle endurance is used by performers who need prolonged additional oxygen delivery to work muscles, to repeat muscle contractions over a long time without tiring
2 of 7
name a joint injury?
tennis elbow, dislocations, sprains = pain = brusisng = swelling, torn cartilage = swelling = pain = stiffness
3 of 7
r.i.c.e treatment?
r. rest, I. ice, c. compression, e. elevation
4 of 7
what are the benefits of stronger ligaments and tendons?
better support of joints, more stabillity during sport, regular exercise increases production of synovial fluid, synovial fluid lubracates the joints giving more flexibility
5 of 7
what's the benefits of strong bones?
strong bones reduces the chance of osteoporosis, reduces the chance of fractures
6 of 7
what is the benefits of fartlex training?
it is to run and change pace every so often and to improve the running speed of the performer, fartlek training is continuous and helps you aerobicially and anerobically with in the exercise session
7 of 7

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Card 2


muscular fitness is required when activities are?


mainly aerobic, last a long time, required repeated use of the same muscle, muscle endurance is used by performers who need prolonged additional oxygen delivery to work muscles, to repeat muscle contractions over a long time without tiring

Card 3


name a joint injury?


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Card 4


r.i.c.e treatment?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what are the benefits of stronger ligaments and tendons?


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