GCSE Geography: Development Dilemmas - Key Words

Appropriate technology
Equipment that the local community is able to use relatively easily and without much cost.
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A gas produced by the breakdown of organic matter, such as manure or sewage, in the absence of oxygen. It can be used as a biofuel.
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Bottom-up development
Experts working with local communities to identify their needs, giving local people control in improving their lives, with experts assisting with progress.
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Cycle of poverty
A vicious spiral of poverty and deprivation passing from one generation to the next.
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Change, usually improvement for people and the economy. The use of resources to improve the standard of living of a nation.
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A great difference between something e.g wealth
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Gene revolution
a term for the large scale application of biotechnologies in food production, for example thought the development and use of GMOs (genetically modified organisms)
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Green revolution
A large increase in crop production in developing countries achieved by the use of fertilizers, pesticides, and high-yield crop varieties
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Hydro-electric power. The use of fast flowing water to turn turbines which produce electricity
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Human development index. A measure of development that uses four economic and social indicators to produce an index figure that allows comparison between countries.
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Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) The development goals agreed by world governments at the UN summit in September 2000.
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Multiplier effect
The 'knock-on' effect of an industry opening or closing on other industries, services within a given area. The phenomenon whereby when a job is created in one sector of the economy, it leads to the creation of jobs in other economic sectors
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Where part or all of a project such as the design or the manufacturing, is handed over to a third-party company. This is normally done to save time or costs or both.
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Sustainable development
Meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
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Top-down development
Approach in which projects are set up and organised by governments or private companies, often with little consultation with local communities
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Core regions
these are areas that contain the greatest area of wealth in a country. These regions contain major cities
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Periphery regions
These are areas that contain the lowest levels of wealth within a country. These regions are mainly rural
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Card 2


A gas produced by the breakdown of organic matter, such as manure or sewage, in the absence of oxygen. It can be used as a biofuel.



Card 3


Experts working with local communities to identify their needs, giving local people control in improving their lives, with experts assisting with progress.


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Card 4


A vicious spiral of poverty and deprivation passing from one generation to the next.


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Card 5


Change, usually improvement for people and the economy. The use of resources to improve the standard of living of a nation.


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:) PurpleJaguar (: - Team GR


This is really helpful, thanks:)

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