Functions and Components of Blood

  • Created by: ntygs19
  • Created on: 11-03-20 16:03
What is blood?
A liquid connective tissue
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Name 3 main functions of blood?
1. Transportation 2. Regulation 3. Protection
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Transportation of what 5 things?
Oxygen, CO2, Nutrients, hormones and wastes
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Regulation of what 3 things?
pH balance, temperature, and water content of cells.
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Protection against what 2 things?
1. Blood loss 2. Disease
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How does blood protect against blood loss?
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Blood protects against disease by 2 things: PWBC ? and what?
Phagocytic White Blood Cells, and Proteins (e.g. antibodies)
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What are the 2 portions of whole blood?
1. Blood Plasma 2. Formed Elements
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What percentage of whole blood is blood plasma? What is blood plasme.... _cellular liquid contianing S_
55%. Extracellular liquid containing solutes
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What are formed elements? What percentage are they of whole blood?
45%. Cells and cell fragments
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What are the 3 types of cells in Formed Elements of blood?
1. Erythrocytes 2. Leukocytes 3. Platelets
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What are Erythrocytes?
Red blood cells
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What are platelets invovled in?
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What are Leukocytes?
White blood cells.
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What are the 2 categories of Leukocytes?
Granular and Agranular.
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Which category do the following fit into? 1. Lymphocytes 2. Oesonophils 3. Basophils 4. Monocytes 5. Natural Killer Cells 6. Neutrophils
Granular = Neutrophils; Basophils; Oesonophils Agranular = Lymphocytes; Monocytes; Natural Killer Cells
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What is Hemopoiesis?
The formation of blood cells
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Where does Hemopoeisis occur?
In Red Bone Marrow
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Erythrocytes (RBCs) are Bi_ discs.... Do they contain a nucleus?
Erythrocytes are biconcave discs (concave on top and bottom). Do NOT contain nucleus.
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Erythrocytes contain Hemoglobin. What is the function of Hemoglobin?
Transport of oxygen.
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What is the term for the formation of erythrocytes? Where does it occur?
Erythropoeisis. Red bone marrow.
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What stimulates Erythropoeisis?
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What is hypoxia?
When the body is deprived of oxygen.
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Hypoxia stimulates the release of E_ by the Kidneys
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How long do erythrocytes generally live?
120 days
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How is hemoglobin recycled?
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What type of cell performs Phagocytosis?
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Are Leukocytes Nucleated?
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How long to Leukocytes live?
only a few hours or days
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Granular Leukocytes: What is the function of Neutrophils?
Respond to first bacterial invasion
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What is the function of Oesonophils? 2 functions.
1. Combat inflammation in allergic reactions. 2. Effective against parasitic worms
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What is the function of Basophils? What does it liberate to achieve this?
Involved in inflamation and allergic reactions. Can liberate Histamine and Serotonin
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Agranular Leukocytes: What are the 3 types of Agranular LYMPHOCYTES?
1. B Cells. 2. T Cells 3. Natural Killer Cells
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What are the 2 functions of B Cells?
1. Develop into plasma cells 2. Produce antibodies that help destroy bacteria and other toxins
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What is the function of T cells
Attack invading organisms
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What is the function of Natural Killer Cells?
Attack a wide variety of infectious microbes and tumor cells.
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What is phagocytosis? What performs it?
Macrophages engult (or eat) pathogens
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What do macrophages develop from?
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