a&p nervous

The meningeal layer that adheres to the surface contour of the brain, extending to every fold and curve, is the;
pia mater
1 of 10
Co-ordination of learned movement patterns at the subconscious level is performed by
the cerebellum
2 of 10
The regulation of automic function, such as the heart rate and blood pressure, originates in the
medulla oblongata
3 of 10
The components of the central nervous system include
the brain and the spinal cord
4 of 10
Cerebrospinal fluid is produced and secreted in the
choroid plexus
5 of 10
The final relay point for ascending sensory information that will be projecting to the primary sensory cortex is the;
6 of 10
The visual receptors of the retina are composed of;
rods and cones
7 of 10
The brain is protected from shock and infection by
bones, meninges, cerebrospinal fluid
8 of 10
What covers some nerve cells?
9 of 10
The primary purpose of the blood brain barrier is to;
isolate neural tissue in the central nervous system from the general circulation
10 of 10

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Card 2


Co-ordination of learned movement patterns at the subconscious level is performed by


the cerebellum

Card 3


The regulation of automic function, such as the heart rate and blood pressure, originates in the


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The components of the central nervous system include


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Cerebrospinal fluid is produced and secreted in the


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