From Kaiser to Fuhrer: Germany 1900-45

Test yourself on Germany 1900-45 - good luck! I've focused on the Fischer controversy (Unit 2) instead of Unit 8, as we've learnt it in more detail.

  • Created by: Bethany
  • Created on: 18-05-13 19:55

1. What did the Enabling Act of 1933 NOT do?

  • Gave the government power to imprison the SPD
  • Gave the government power to pass laws to the cabinet
  • Gave Hitler 4 years as dictator
  • Gave the government power to change the constitution
1 of 20

Other questions in this quiz

2. What were the problems with the Second Reich Constitution?

  • It was overrun with members of the SPD and KPD.
  • The Kaiser hardly had any power - nobody thought they needed his approval.
  • It was fragmented and dominated by the Kaiser, elites and Prussia.
  • It was too democratic.

3. Who were the main groups who opposed the Nazi regime?

  • The church, those in agriculture, businessmen and the youth
  • The centre party, the SPD, the elites, the Protestants and the left
  • The church, the left, conservatives, the youth and the army
  • The army, the centre party, the elderly and the conservatives

4. How stable were the 'Stresemann Years', 1924-29?

  • Not completely stable - the coalitions were weak and short term, and the different financial crises polarised politics
  • Very stable - the parliamentary system matured and developed because of proportional representation, and people were happy with the quick cultural changes
  • Extremely unstable - constant fighting between the political parties, lots of rebellions from the public, many attempts from the left and right to overthrow the regime

5. What caused Chancellor Von Bulow's downfall?

  • The Sunday Telegraph Affair
  • Daily Mail Affair
  • Daily Telegraph Affair
  • Daily Express Affair


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