Free Will vs Determinism

  • Created by: FatCat3
  • Created on: 17-10-22 18:14
What is biological determinism?
all human behaviour is innate and determined by genes
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what is a casual explanation?
wants to discover if x causes y or if iv changes dv
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what is determinism?
free will is an illusion and behaviour is governed by internal and external factors which we have no control over
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what is environmental determinism?
behaviours caused by forces outside individual, behaviour is caused by previous experience learnt through cc/oc
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what is free will?
ppl have a choice in how they have a behave
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what is psychic determinism?
claims that human behaviour is result of childhood experiences and innate drive
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what is hard determinism?
view that external factors shape our behaviour
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what is soft determinism?
behaviour is constructed by environmental or biological make up, but only to a certain extent
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what psychologist said on HD/SD?
Heather said while behaviour is predictable, you can have free will
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what is an example of biological determinism?
what is an example of ED?
what is an example of PD?
(include psychologists)
-Hillet et al said a particular gene makes someone more intelligent then another
-Bandura, children w violent parents more likely to be violent due to observational learning
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name the evacuation of this?
-the humanistic approach against it, oe twins studies show although their is a 80% similarity in intelligence, the other 20% can be made by free will
-freud argues unconscious thoughts predicts-
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continuing w previous card
-behaviour and it can be explored through psychoanalysis
-researchers+legal experts believe determinism acts as an excuse for behaviour ie Mobley- a criminal who though he "was born to kill"
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counting w previous card
+some behaviour is BD, Libet et al found motor regions become active before a person registers conscious awareness ie moving finger
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what is explained by the scientific approach and determinism and what example do they use?
they want to find a causal rs ie Bandura's agg, non agg and no model to show difference and comparisons
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name the evaluation of this?
-no such thing as HD ie Hilborn w chaos theory- said small cha get can produce major changes
-extraneous variables can impact a casual rs
-Baumeister- psychological causality is arguably never deterministic as statistical tests show probability or smthn
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what is the critical thinking behind this?
have to evaluate all options to find bets fit approach in psychology
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what is a casual explanation?


wants to discover if x causes y or if iv changes dv

Card 3


what is determinism?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what is environmental determinism?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what is free will?


Preview of the front of card 5
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