Fp1 - Coordinate systems

  • Created by: Jess H
  • Created on: 27-01-13 15:08
What is the form of a cartesian equation?
y^2 = 4ax
1 of 6
What is the relationship between the focus, directrix and the parabola
The parabola is a locus of points which is at the same distance from the focus and directrix at a general point P
2 of 6
To find the tangent to the curve at P we...
Find dy/dx, sub x in to give the gradient, form y = mx +c, sub x and y into equation to find c and simplify
3 of 6
Length of AB = ?
√(x - x)^2 + (y - y)^2
4 of 6
What is the general shape of a rectangular hyperbola
y = n/x
5 of 6
What is the general equation for a rectangular hyperbola?
xy = c^2
6 of 6

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What is the relationship between the focus, directrix and the parabola


The parabola is a locus of points which is at the same distance from the focus and directrix at a general point P

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To find the tangent to the curve at P we...


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Length of AB = ?


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What is the general shape of a rectangular hyperbola


Preview of the front of card 5
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