Further Pure 1 OCR


Further pure 1

Complex numbers

·        i = √-1

·        a+bi is a complex number, any multiple of i is an imaginary number.

·        The real part (a) is plotted as an x-coordinate, the imaginary part (bi) is plotted as a y-coordinate.

·        |z| is the modulus of a complex number (the distance between the point and the origin).

·        Use Pythagoras’ theorem to get the modulus.

·        z = a + bi, √z = c + di, where 2cd = b and c² - d² = a.

Arguments and argand diagrams

·        Argument (arg(z))= smallest angle (radians) between the modulus and the +ve real-axis.

·      In the top right quadrant ~ tan =real/imaginary.

·      In the bottom right quadrant ~ tan =real/imaginary (size of angle is +ve but angle is below axis).

·      In the top left quadrant ~ arg(z) = π - ||.

·      In the bottom left quadrant ~ arg(z) = -(π - ||).

·        Summary = Angle above axis has +ve argument, below has -ve argument.

·         - π < arg(z) ≤ π

·        For |z| = r, where r > 0, draw a circle with radius r and the origin as the centre.

·        For |z – c| = r, where r > 0, the circle is centred on c with radius r.

·        For |z – a| = |z – b|, the complex numbers that solve for Z are shown by a perpendicular bisector of the line joining a and b.

·        For arg(z – c) = α, where  - π


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