Food production

  • Created by: choun
  • Created on: 21-09-22 20:30
What can we use modern biotechnology to achieve
>Large quantities of microorganisms can be cultured for food
>The fungus Fusarium is useful for producing mycoprotien, a useful protien for vegitariens
>Genetically modified bacteria produce drugs like insulin on an industrial scale
>Genetically modified
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How is Fusarium grown
Grown on glucose syrup in aerobic conditions , and the biomass is harvested and purified
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How does Fusarium help?
Enables large quantities of microorganisms to be cultured for food.
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Why are fish stock declining
Massive overfishing
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Why is important to maintain fish stocks
So many species of fish don't go extinct
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How can we maintain fish stocks
Control net size
Introduce fishing quotas
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What biological factors may threaten levels of food security
>Increasing birth rate
>Changing diets in developed countries - scarce food resources transported away to developed countries
>New pests and pathogens that affect farming
>Environmental changes that affect food safety e.g. drought
>Cost of agricultural in
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How can we increase growth in food animals
Feed animals high protein foods
Feed animals high protein foods
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Card 2


How is Fusarium grown


Grown on glucose syrup in aerobic conditions , and the biomass is harvested and purified

Card 3


How does Fusarium help?


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Card 4


Why are fish stock declining


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why is important to maintain fish stocks


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