What are the stops
p, b, t, k, g, d
1 of 17
what are the fricatives
f, v, th, th, s, z, sh, su, h
2 of 17
what are the affricates
ch, ge
3 of 17
what are the nasals
m, n, ng
4 of 17
what are the liquids
l, r
5 of 17
what are the glides
w, y
6 of 17
what are the bilabials
p, b, m, w
7 of 17
what are the labio dentals
f, v
8 of 17
what are the dentals
th, th
9 of 17
what are the alveolars
t, d, s, z, n, l
10 of 17
what are the alveolars
t, d, s, z, n, l
11 of 17
what are the palatals
sh, su, ch, ge, r, y
12 of 17
what are the velars
k, g, ng
13 of 17
what is the glottal
14 of 17
what are the rhotic accents
bristol, edinburgh
15 of 17
what accents have dark l
bristol, hull, manchester
16 of 17
th-fronting accents
cockney, london west indian, manchester, bristol
17 of 17

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what are the fricatives


f, v, th, th, s, z, sh, su, h

Card 3


what are the affricates


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what are the nasals


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what are the liquids


Preview of the front of card 5
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