Other questions in this quiz

2. What is the bonding like in a benzene?

  • Overlap of r-orbitals/ π bonds/ electrons above and below the ring.
  • Overlap of p-orbitals/ π bonds/ electrons above and below the ring.
  • Overlap of q-orbitals/ π bonds/ electrons above and below the ring.

3. How the benzene ring in the phenoxide ion is activated?

  • lone/electron pair from O is delocalised into ring so increases π-electron density so attracted electrophiles more
  • lone/electron pair from O is delocalised into ring so lowers π-electron density so attracted electrophiles less
  • lone/electron pair from O is delocalised into ring so lowers π-electron density so attracted nucleophiles more

4. Phenol converted to sodium phenoxide C6H5O-Na+ choose a correct balanced equation for this reaction?

  • C6H5OH + NaOH → C6H5O–Na+ + H2O
  • C6H5OH + NaO → C6H5O+Na- + H2
  • C6H5OH + NaOH → C6H4O–Na+ + O

5. The conditions required for nitration of benzene using nitric acid and sulphuric acid

  • Temperature 30-40 and concentrated (acids)
  • Temperature 50-60 and concentrated (acids)
  • Temperature 10-20 and concentrated (alkalis)




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