F222 - - Mitosis

What is mitosis used for?
1 of 25
What does mitosis produce?
new cells
2 of 25
what can the new cells be used for?
replaced damaged cells and repair tissues
3 of 25
Is the genitic infromation the same in the daughter call as the mother cell?
4 of 25
where is the DNA found?
the chromosomes
5 of 25
What stage does the cell spend 90 percent of its time in?
6 of 25
what two functions does the cell undergo during interphase?
DNA replication and growth
7 of 25
what do the chromosomes look like during interphase?
uncoiled, long and thin
8 of 25
what does the DNA consist of during prophase?
two chromatids, help together by a centromere
9 of 25
what do the chromosomes look like in prophase?
coiled and darkly stained
10 of 25
At what stage do the chromosomes become visable?
11 of 25
how many chromosomes does a human cell contain?
46 (23 pairs)
12 of 25
Why does the human cell contain 46 chromosomes?
we receive 23 chromosomes from our mother and 23 from our father
13 of 25
cells that contain 46 chromosomes in humans are called what?
14 of 25
What happens to the nuclear envelope at the end of prophase?
it breaks down
15 of 25
Where are the centrioles located?
opposite poles off the cells
16 of 25
Centrioles send out tiny protein threads, what are these called?
17 of 25
The microtubles form a structure, what is it called?
the spindle
18 of 25
When the centromeres of the chromosomes attach to the spindle they are pulled to the middle, also know as?
the equator
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In anaphase the centromeres divide the two sister chromatids to produce...?
daughter chromosomes
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What pulls the centromere appart?
the spindle fibers
21 of 25
what happens to the spindle during telophase?
breaks down
22 of 25
What forms around each group of chromosomes?
a nuclear envelope
23 of 25
What happens to the DNA during telophase?
the chromosomes unwind and become less visable
24 of 25
During cytoskenesis what happens to the cytoplasm and cell organelle?
they half (approximately)
25 of 25

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does mitosis produce?


new cells

Card 3


what can the new cells be used for?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Is the genitic infromation the same in the daughter call as the mother cell?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


where is the DNA found?


Preview of the front of card 5
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