F222 - detecting lung and breast cancer

What do xrays give off?
high energy photons
1 of 21
is it hard to for the photons to pass through softer parts of the body?
2 of 21
What do denser parts of the body do to the photons?
absorb them
3 of 21
what produces the x-ray?
an electrode
4 of 21
what does the camera do in an x-ray?
takes photographic film of the pattern of x-rays passing through the body
5 of 21
What two structures are dense and therefore appear white on the film?
bones and tumors
6 of 21
Where is a mammography used?
on a breast
7 of 21
What age do the NHS offer a free mammography?
50 years
8 of 21
What is a CT scan also known as?
CAT scan (computerised axial tomography)
9 of 21
What shape is a CT scanner?
10 of 21
Does a CT scan produce 2D images or 3D images?
11 of 21
What does thermography use?
cameras sensitive to infrared radiation
12 of 21
do warmer parts of the body give off more or less infrared radiation?
13 of 21
Why do cancer cells give off more heat than ordinary cells?
because they are dividing more and therefore respiring more
14 of 21
What does ultrasound use to detect tumors?
sound waves
15 of 21
What are two advantages of using ultrasounds to other methods?
cheaper and more portable
16 of 21
what does MRI scan stand for?
magnetic resonance imaging
17 of 21
What does an MRI scan do?
measures the magnetic field in different parts of the body
18 of 21
Is this image 3D?
19 of 21
What does PET scan stand for?
positron emission tomography
20 of 21
In a PET scan the patient is injected with a radioactive substance, what does this release?
gamma rays
21 of 21

Other cards in this set

Card 2


is it hard to for the photons to pass through softer parts of the body?



Card 3


What do denser parts of the body do to the photons?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what produces the x-ray?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what does the camera do in an x-ray?


Preview of the front of card 5
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