Other questions in this quiz

2. What the the main types of transmission of diseases?

  • vectors, droplet infection, food contimination
  • physical contact, droplet infection, vectors
  • physical contact, sharing of needles, coughing

3. Energy is required by all organisms. In humans, what percentage should come from carbohydrates?

  • 72%
  • 36%
  • 57%
  • 46%

4. how do viruses work?

  • They invade cells and take over the genetics, cause the cell to make new copies of the virus which are then released
  • They invade cells and destroy the contents. they then reproduce inside
  • They invade cells and cause it to divide rapidly causing a mutation - the cell then triggers an immune response

5. Excess energy intake will result in what?

  • Obesity
  • Malnutrition
  • Weight loss


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