Eyewitness Memory

From a sample of 100 wrong convictions, how many resulted from mistaken eyewitness identification according to Wells and Olson 2003
1 of 25
Charles Chatman was convicted of **** at age 20 on basis of eyewitness testimony, how many years did he serve before DNA testing proved his innocence?
26 yrs
2 of 25
What is intentional learning?
occurs when participants know their memory for stimuli will be tested
3 of 25
What is incidental learning?
occurs when participants process stimuli without realising their memory for it will be tested later
4 of 25
Who ran the study on in-attentional and change blindness that found 50% of observers failed to notice gorilla in video of people passing a ball.
Simons and Chabris 1999
5 of 25
What is confirmation bias in the context of eyewitness memory?
Event memory distorted by observer expectations
6 of 25
When Tuckey and Brewer (2003) showed a crime film where the robbers gender was ambiguous (head covered by balaclava) what gender did the majority of participants recall the robber being?
7 of 25
Loftus and Burns (1982) found as the violence of the crime increased memory accuracy increases.
False - violence increases, memory accuracy decreases
8 of 25
What is the weapons focus effect
Presence of weapon captures attention and reduces recall of
other details in environment
9 of 25
Loftus & Palmer (1974) showed participants a film of a multiple car accident. Some asked “How fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other?”. Others asked “How fast were the cars going when they hit each other?”. What were the results?
"Smashed" condition estimated 41 mph whereas "hit" condition estimated 34 mph.
10 of 25
Loftus & Zanni (1975) again showed a short film of a car accident. Some asked “Did you see a broken headlight?”. Other asked “Did you see the broken headlight?”. What were the results?
7% replied yes in the "the" condition, compared to 1.7% in the "a" condition.
11 of 25
Eakin et al (2003) showed that post-event misleading information can still distort memory even if participants are warned that misleading information will be presented. True or False?
12 of 25
Who proposed Source Monitoring Theory
Johnson et al 1993
13 of 25
According to source monitoring theory, retrieval occurs by a memory probe activating memory traces with informational overlap. Because information from multiple sources may be activated, you must decide the most appropriate source for the memory. What can
Source misattribution
14 of 25
According to source monitoring theory, source attribution is more likely when...
Memories from one source resembles those from another
15 of 25
According to source monitoring theory, memory distortion occurs when the source of...
misinformation (e.g., post-event questions) is misattributed to the original event
16 of 25
According to source monitoring theory, original event and misinformation are stored as one memory
False - stored as separate memories
17 of 25
According to source monitoring theory, the problems occur during the process of [blank] from the long-term knowledge base.
18 of 25
According to the Explanatory Role Hypothesis, what is Forced Fabrication?
Forced Fabrication refers to compelling a witness to describe
events they don’t remember / did not experience
19 of 25
Who proposed Explanatory Role Hypothesis?
Chroback and Zaragoza (2013)
20 of 25
According to the Explanatory Role Hypothesis, false fabrications do what...
“fill in” causal gaps in eyewitness recollection of an event
21 of 25
According to the Explanatory Role Hypothesis, what is a function of the causal explanatory role
false memories
22 of 25
In which condition are people hypothesised to be more susceptible to misinformation effects.
Under high perceptual load conditions
23 of 25
High perceptual load is associated with
poorer event memory
24 of 25
Participants with higher cognitive ability showed better memory for event details and change detection. True or False?
25 of 25

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Charles Chatman was convicted of **** at age 20 on basis of eyewitness testimony, how many years did he serve before DNA testing proved his innocence?


26 yrs

Card 3


What is intentional learning?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is incidental learning?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Who ran the study on in-attentional and change blindness that found 50% of observers failed to notice gorilla in video of people passing a ball.


Preview of the front of card 5
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