Eyesenck and the PIN

What did Eyesenck start with?
Theory not data
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What was assumed?
biological basis for traits
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What is to be measured?
Prior identification of constructs
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What are the two main super traits?
Extraversion and Neuroticism
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What is personality traits for Choleric?
Proud, extroverted, 'alphas' of our species
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What is personality for Sanguine?
Bubbly, chatty and social extroverts
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Introverts who try to please others
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What is melancholic?
Emotionally sensitive
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What is an introvert?
Prefer to spend time alone, quiet introspective, well ordered and predictable contexts preferred
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What is an extrovert?
Prefer excitement and stimulation company of others, externally driven likes parties and friends
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What is the Ascending Reticular activating system?
ARAS structure in brain stem connected to the thalamus, hypothalamus and cortex
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What does this control?
Overall cortical arousal
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What does ARAS act as?
Gate to arousal
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What is an Introvert?
Higher level of activity in the ARAS, introverts ARAS allows too much arousal in, introverts seek out contexts with low stimulation
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What is an extrovert?
Lower levels of activity in the ARAS, extraverts ARAS allows too little arousal in, seek out contexts with high stimulation
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What is the notion of optimal level of arousal?
Optimal - appropriate for given task: higher levels of cortical activity than Es
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What was it later revised?
To predict differences in reactivity
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What does Neurotic mean?
Emotionally unstable, anxiours, fearful, tense, moody, irritable, depressed, poor sleep slow to return to 'even real' stress
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What is emotionally stable?
Even tempered, quick to return to equillibrium after stress, calm, slow to react emotionally
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What did Eyesenck say was the biological basis for neuroticism?
Some people have a more responsive sympathetic nervous system
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What does the ANS do?
Controls emotional response to emergency prepares us for fight or flight
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High in N?
Hypersensitivity to ANS
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React to a more threatening environment
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what do psychopaths look like?
Neurotics but do not have the anxiety component
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Those high in psychoticism have what traits?
They are cold, aggressive, impulsive and they lack empathy
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Most individuals are?
Low in P
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What is the structure of Eyesenck's PEN model?
Super trait --> Facet level -- Habitual response level -->specific response level
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What is factor analysis?
Series of observations/responses, categories into clustered relating to latent variable or component, examine joint variation across items and establish relationship
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What is PCA useful for?
Data reduction
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What does it determine?
Which variables or observations fit most with the components
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What should the number of components be?
Should be less than the original number of observations and account for high proportions of ariance
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What is the structural evidence for extraversion?
Cortical thickness in lateral pre frontal cortex, even after controlling for age and sex --> Same in fushiform cortex
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What is extraversion linked to?
Reward processing centres
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Increased volume in what?
Medial OFC, which has been linked to approach behaviours
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What has neurotocism been linked to?
Cortical thickness in orbito-frontal cortex, even after controlling for age and sex
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What else has neuroticism been linked to?
Threat processing, decreased volume in right dorsal-medial PFC and prosterior hippocampus, potions of basal ganglia and midbrain, increased volume of mid cingulate cortex extending into white matter of singular gyrus
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What else has neuroticism been linked to?
Threat detection and regulation of emotion
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was assumed?


biological basis for traits

Card 3


What is to be measured?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the two main super traits?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is personality traits for Choleric?


Preview of the front of card 5
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