Other questions in this quiz

2. who was utilitarianism created by?

  • thomas hobbes
  • jeremy bentham
  • joseph fletcher

3. what was as a result of the principle of utility?

  • a good action is one that creates happiness, a bad action is what creates pain.
  • a good action is one that creates goodness, a bad action is what creates hurt.

4. who was john Stuart mills?

  • an English philosopher who had been exposed to Bentham's work as a result of being the son of his friend, john mills
  • an Italian philosopher who put forward the ideas of natural law
  • an English philosopher who created divine command theory.

5. why did he create it?

  • he wanted to reflect society at the time as it was becoming more secular
  • he wanted to empahsise the importance of god
  • he wanted to examine the implications of having too much freewill.


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