Other questions in this quiz

2. Sartre said; "In the mind there is no absolute or free will; but the mind is determined by another cause, and this last by another cause, and so on to infinity." (HD)

  • False, Spinoza said this (the idea everything has a cause, even if that cause is not known)
  • False, Skinner said this ((the idea everything has a cause, even if that cause is not known)
  • True (the idea everything has a cause, even if that cause is not known)
  • False, kevin said this (the idea everything has a cause, even if that cause is not known)

3. Hospers claimed that we get urges to choose a particular course even if we are not aware of it, he used the evidence of when one does not remember an action or does not know the reasoning behind one (HD)

  • True
  • False, Honderich believed this

4. Which of the following is the most accurate description of soft determinism/ compatiblism?

  • It is the same as predestination
  • We have free will, however internal/ external factors influence our choices meaning we are likely to proceed with a particular course of action but can do otherwise e.g. having criminal parents makes one likely to become criminal too, but one can not
  • We have complete free will
  • We have no free will and everything is predetermined

5. Who said free will is an illusion and used the example of a locked room? (HD)

  • John Locked
  • John Room
  • John Locke
  • John Door


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