ENVS2 AQA the atmosphere

  • Created by: rosie25
  • Created on: 26-03-14 18:24
What is the percentage of nitrogen and what is one of its uses?
78%, used for proteins
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What is the percentage of oxygen and what is one of its uses?
21% and respiraton
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What is the percentage of co2 and what is one of its uses?
0.038% and photosynthesis
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What is the percentage of rare gases?
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What is the percentage of methane?
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What is the percentage of ozone?
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What part of the atmosphere is the lowest and contains weather and the earths surface?
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What is the layer above called and contains the ozone?
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How does the atmosphere change with time?
During the day, photosynthesis is more rapid, so co2 levels drops
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How does the atmosphere change with altitude?
More ozone in stratosphere because of UV light.
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What happens to the temperature in the troposphere?
Temp decreases with increasing altitude due to infrared
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What happens to the temperature in the stratosphere?
Temp increases with increasing altitude due to UV from sun
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What is solar radiation?
Nuclear fusion in sun releases energy, UV is absorbed by ozone. Water vapour and co2 also absorb infrared and visible light.
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What is the greenhouse effect?
Visible light passes through atmosphere. Light absorbed by earth is converted to heat & emitted as infrared, then is absorbed by atmospheric gases. Causes it to become warmer.
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What is the enhanced greenhouse effect?
Human activities are increasing the concentration of gases that absorb infrared- causing atmosphere to heat up
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What are the consequences of global climate change?
Sea level rise: warmer atmosphere causes sea to warm & expand, melting land ice: earth warms. Change in climate: wind patterns change in velocity, frequency, direction-storm damage. Precipiation: high temp, increase evaporation & precipitation rates.
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What are the ocean current changes that are cause by human climate change?
El niño: wind changes direction from normal year and you get drought in Australia and floods in South America. North Atlantic Conveyer: current slows because land ice melting diluting salt and makes it less dense, cold water sinks
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What are ecological changes that are cause by human climate change?
temp rise-plants grow faster, more food but toxins build up more: kill caterpillars. Plants with shallow roots might not cope with dry periods. Distribution of species may change.
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Why is it difficult to predict climate change?
Theres less data on climate factors. Some changes/sea level rises are very slow. Different changes may occur at different times/locations.
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What is positive feedback and whats an example of it?
Increase rate or amount of change. Warming increases decomposition so more co2
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What is negative feedback and whats an example of it?
Decrease rate or amount of change. Increase photosynthesis, decrease co2
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When was the Kyoto Protocol made and what were its aims?
1997. Reduce greenhouse gases by 5.2% by 2008-2012
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What are some ways to reduce greenhouse gas levels?
CO2-energy conservation, use alternate energy resources. Methane-reduce dumping in landfill & decrease livestock. Oxides of nitrogen-catalytic converters & decrease car use. CFC's- alternate materials e.g HFC's in fridges
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What cause ozone depletion?
CFC's have caused global reduction of ozone and holes.
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What protocol was made to reduce CFC's?
Montreal Protocol
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is the percentage of oxygen and what is one of its uses?


21% and respiraton

Card 3


What is the percentage of co2 and what is one of its uses?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is the percentage of rare gases?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is the percentage of methane?


Preview of the front of card 5
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