English basic terms

  • Created by: Izzyskip
  • Created on: 15-03-17 09:34
Name things.
1 of 8
Express a state of being or an action.
2 of 8
Add more information to a noun.
3 of 8
Concrete Nouns
Refer to physical things like people, objects and places. They are things that can be observed and measured. E.g. guitar, table, clothes.
4 of 8
Abstract Nouns
Refer to ideas, processes, occasions, times and qualities. They cannot be touched. E.g. happiness, week.
5 of 8
Count Nouns
Nouns that can be counted and therefore have a plural form. They cannot be used after the determiner 'much'. E.g. One lorry - two lorries, one pen - two pens.
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Non-Count Nouns
Refer to substances and qualities that cannot be counted. They have no plural form and cannot follow the determiner 'a'. Many of them can be used after quantity words such as 'some', 'all', 'any' or 'much'.
7 of 8
Collective Nouns
Refer to groups of people, animals and things. Use singular form. E.g. crowd, family, committee.
8 of 8

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Card 2


Express a state of being or an action.



Card 3


Add more information to a noun.


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Card 4


Refer to physical things like people, objects and places. They are things that can be observed and measured. E.g. guitar, table, clothes.


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Card 5


Refer to ideas, processes, occasions, times and qualities. They cannot be touched. E.g. happiness, week.


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