Energy Revision.

ks3 year 9 energy.

  • Created by: Alina
  • Created on: 08-03-13 21:16
What are the different forms of energy?
Kinetic Energy, Sound Energy, Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, Electrical Energy,Gravitational Potential Energy
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What is energy measured in?
Joules (J) or Kilojoules (kJ)
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A Student says the amount of energy we get from a mars bar is destroyed when we exercise. How is this wrong?
Energy can never be destroyed, it can be only transferred or transformed into a different form.
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Conduction only takes place in solids and liquids, how is this false?
Conduction only takes place in solids. As you heat a solid the particles vibrate, the vibrations carry on until all particles are vibrating. This only happens in solids because they are fixed and are not freely moving.
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Why are houses in hot countries painted white?
Houses in hot countries are painted white because they reflect the sun's heat rays, but black absorbs and emits heat.
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Why is the bulb brighter in a parallel circuit?
Series circuits have the same current all the way, but in parallel circuits the current split and branch off into different paths so there is more current.
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What is Convection?
Convection is the heat transfer of fluids (liquids and gases).
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What is Voltage?
It is how much energy is transferred by each bit of charge.
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What are bad Conductors called?
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How does a Convection cycle work?
Hot air rises and cold air sinks.
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What is kinetic energy?
It is movement energy.
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What are Sankey diagrams used for?
Sankey diagrams are used to represent changes in energy. The size of each arrow shows the amount of that type of energy.
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What is current?
Current is a measure of how much charge flows through one point every second.
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What is Voltage?
Voltage is how much energy is being transferred by each bit of charge.
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What are the energy transfers in a Power station?
A fuel is burnt which heats the water, making steam....... The steam turns the turbines and passes it to the generator...... The generator turns the steam into electricity.... The electricity goes to the transformers to produce the correct voltage.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is energy measured in?


Joules (J) or Kilojoules (kJ)

Card 3


A Student says the amount of energy we get from a mars bar is destroyed when we exercise. How is this wrong?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Conduction only takes place in solids and liquids, how is this false?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Why are houses in hot countries painted white?


Preview of the front of card 5
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