End of year science assessment

substances present at the start of the reaction
1 of 7
reactant particles
A general term for a small piece of matter. For example, protons, neutrons, electrons, atoms, ions or molecules
2 of 7
successful collision
A collision between reactant particles that has enough energy for a reaction to happen
3 of 7
activation energy
The minimum amount of energy that colliding particles must have for them to react.
4 of 7
energy released in a chemical reaction or absorbed in the creation of a chemical compound
5 of 7
relative formula mass
The sum of the relative atomic masses of the atoms in a chemical formula.
6 of 7
The volume of a three-dimensional shape is a measure of the amount of space or capacity
7 of 7

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Card 2


A general term for a small piece of matter. For example, protons, neutrons, electrons, atoms, ions or molecules


reactant particles

Card 3


A collision between reactant particles that has enough energy for a reaction to happen


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Card 4


The minimum amount of energy that colliding particles must have for them to react.


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Card 5


energy released in a chemical reaction or absorbed in the creation of a chemical compound


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