Emotional Development

  • Created by: JessGill
  • Created on: 06-12-17 13:03
What is Emotional Development?
A child's sense of security,their sense of personal identity or self image and their self awareness.
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What do children learn to do?
They learn to understand and express their own feelings, and to understand other people's feelings as well. Children need to have good self esteem.
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How do children show their emotions?
Tantrums,aggression or extreme laughter or crying.
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How do you secure emotional development?
Praise for effort, love and affection, a secure attachment, a positive self image, a feeling of belonging, encouragement, trust, boundaries, security, approval, consistent care.
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What are the positive emotions?
Happiness, Pleasure, Love, Delight, Laughter, Excitement
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What are the negative emotions?
Guilt, Disappointment,Fright,Jealousy,Sadness,Aggression.
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What should a child do instead of an adult giving them affection?
They should use a comforter for example, a soft toy, a blanket/cloth.
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Advantages of using a thumb as a comforter
Always there when the child wants it. The child controls their own comfort times. Cannot get lost.
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Disadvantages of using a thumb as a comforter
May not always be clean. Sucking the thumb can become a habit that is hard to stop. Thumb may get sore. Teeth can become distorted if carried on for years.
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Advantages of using a Dummy as a comforter
Can calm a distressed child very quickly. Can be cleaned and sterilized easily.
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Disadvantages of using a Dummy as a comforter
Unhygienic, Needs regular sterilizing, New dummies need to be bought, If lost child will be distressed, Can cause speech problems/distort teeth in the long term.
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Advantages of using a Blanket as a comforter
Helps a child get to sleep, Comforts the child, No damage to teeth or speech.
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Disadvantages of using a Blanket as a comforter
If lost child will be distressed,Child may be distressed whilst being cleaned,Can become very unhygienic and full of germs if not washed regularly.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What do children learn to do?


They learn to understand and express their own feelings, and to understand other people's feelings as well. Children need to have good self esteem.

Card 3


How do children show their emotions?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How do you secure emotional development?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the positive emotions?


Preview of the front of card 5
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