emotional development


emotional development

what is emotional development?

emotional development is:

- a child sense of secuitry

- their sense of personal identity or self image ( who they are)

- their self awreness

what do they learn?

- understand and express their own feelings

- understand other people feellings as well

Children need to feel good about thmeselves (self -esteem)

if there self esteem is low, they lose confidence and are less likely that they can achieve things.

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emotional development


- can be both positive and negitive

- they are our inner feelings which we sometimes find hard to explain.

- its hard for a child to explain an emotion such as worry, fright, or anxiety.( this is why childrens emotion are often expressed as tantrums, aggression or extreme laughter or crying. it is also why it is not always clear what started it off or what it means.)

- as adults , we need to help children understand that its OK to show emotions.

- we need to give children opportunities to express thier emotions too, mabye by providing them with clay or wood to help them get rid of aggression, or by reading them stories about things that may be worrying them.

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emotional development

For a child to have secure emotional development, good self esteem and a positive self- image they need :

- praise for effort

- love and affection

- a secure attachment

- opportunities to lead, as well as to follow

- a positive self - image

- a good level of self- esteem

- the ability to like themsevles

- a feeling of belonging

- encouragement

- trust

- boundaries

-  security

- approval

- consistent care

- opprtunities to succed

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emotional development

positive and negitive emotions:

- happiness                                       - jealousy                                    - anxiety     

- guilt                                                 - sadness                                    - laughter

- hate                                                 - frustation                                  - eagerness

- curiostiy                                           - aggression                               - sorrow

- disappontment                                 - love                                          - delight

- pleasure                                           - hurt                                          - excitement

- anger                                                - contentment                            - fear

- fright                                                 - suspicion                                 - distress

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emotional development


 - it is very comon for young children to have a favourite comforter.

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