elements of dance

  • Created by: Rihanna8
  • Created on: 08-01-23 18:16
what are the 4 elements of dance?
action- WHAT
1 of 7
What is action?
What is dynamic?
What is space?
What is relationship?
1.What a dancer does. Eg travelling, turning, elevation, gesture, stillness, floor work ect
2.How the dancer moves. Eg fast/slow, sudden/sustained, acceleration/deceleration, strong/ light ect
3. Where the dancer moves. Eg pathways, levels, size of moveme
2 of 7
What are choreographic devices?
What are structuring devices and form?
1.How movement is manipulated to create choreography. Eg motif & development, canon, unison, contrast ect
2. Includes: binary, narrative, beginning/middle/end, logical sequence, transitions ect
3 of 7
What are aural settings?
What are performance environments?
What is communication of choreographic intent?
1.What can be heard and how they affect choreographic outcomes. Including: song, instrumental, spoken word, silence ect
2.Including: proscenium, end stage, site-sensitive, in the round
3. Including: mood, meaning, idea, theme, style ect
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What are the features of production?
Aural settings
Dance for camera
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What is stage/set?
What is lighting?
What are properties?
1. Eg projection, furniture, structures, backdrop, screens, features, texture, shape, decoration ect
2.Eg colour, placement, direction, angles ect
3. Eg size, shape, materials, how used ect
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What is costume?
What are dancers?
What are aural setting?
What is dance for the camera?
1. Includes footwear, masks, clothing, makeup &accessories. Eg colour, texture, material, flow, shape, line, weight, decoration & how they define character/ gender, identify dancers, enhance or sculpt the body to enhance the action.
2. The people who perf
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is action?
What is dynamic?
What is space?
What is relationship?


1.What a dancer does. Eg travelling, turning, elevation, gesture, stillness, floor work ect
2.How the dancer moves. Eg fast/slow, sudden/sustained, acceleration/deceleration, strong/ light ect
3. Where the dancer moves. Eg pathways, levels, size of moveme

Card 3


What are choreographic devices?
What are structuring devices and form?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are aural settings?
What are performance environments?
What is communication of choreographic intent?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are the features of production?


Preview of the front of card 5
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