Electoral Systems

  • Created by: agnespw
  • Created on: 24-05-17 15:16

1. Give 2 advantages of retaining First-Past-the-Post

  • Proportional, clear choice
  • Makes government more accountable, wasted votes
  • Clear choice between parties, single party strong governments
  • Unrepresentative, proportional
1 of 11

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2. Name 3 proportional representation systems

  • Single transferable vote, first-past-the-post, alternative vote
  • Additional member system, alternative vote, party list
  • Additional member system, single transferable vote, party list
  • Party list, supplementary vote, single transferable vote

3. Name 2 majoritarian electoral systems

  • Supplementary vote and party list
  • Supplementary vote and alternative vote
  • Alternative vote and first-past-the-post
  • Single transferable vote and alternative vote

4. Give 2 disadvantages of First-Past-the-Post

  • Creates coalitions, representative
  • Unaccountable government, strong governments
  • Wasted votes, government is unrepresentative
  • Clear choice between parties, creates coalitions

5. Which two systems does the Additional Member System combine?

  • First-past-the-post and supplementary vote
  • First-past-the-post and party list
  • First-past-the-post and single transferable vote
  • Alternative vote and party list


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