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6. What two sub-systems does the Party List system split into?

  • Unitary party list and federal party list
  • Closed party list and Open party list
  • Closed party list and Semi-open party list
  • Open party list and Semi-closed party list

7. Give 2 disadvantages of the party list system

  • Highly proportional, simple for voters
  • Large constituencies - no MP-constituent link, in a closed system you have no say over your MP
  • Wasted votes, no representation
  • Prevents career politicians, highly proportional

8. Where is Supplementary Vote used?

  • Northern ireland assembly
  • London mayoral elections
  • UK by-elections
  • Welsh assembly

9. Give 2 advantages of the party list system

  • Highly proportional, simple for voters
  • Wasted votes, large constituencies
  • Simple for voters, 'donkey voting'
  • Highly proportional, doesn't create coalitions

10. What is the droop quota?

  • (Number of seats * Number of votes + 1) +1
  • (Number of seats/number of votes + 1) + 1
  • (Number of votes/number of seats + 1) + 1
  • (Number of votes * Number of seats + 1) + 1

11. Which two systems does the Additional Member System combine?

  • First-past-the-post and party list
  • Alternative vote and party list
  • First-past-the-post and single transferable vote
  • First-past-the-post and supplementary vote